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2nd Feb 24 4:25 PM
Posts 6,364
Originally posted by Glosterra_2nd
Another league win for the milagers. Congratulations Pleasant.

Cheers GT. I suppose it was my turn...

I wonder when the Radicals will start blowing us both away?
2nd Feb 24 8:35 PM
Posts 20
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise

I wonder when the Radicals will start blowing us both away?

I've been expecting that for a few seasons now
3rd Feb 24 1:31 PM
Posts 12
Just as soon as I figure out tactics?

This is the second season that one of us finished undefeated and did not win the league anyway.
31st Mar 24 9:15 PM
Posts 1,036
An interesting season comes to an end...

A 10th place finish is an improvement on last season but with 8th place possible on the final day it is a little disappointing. On the plus side, we claimed some outstanding results against teams with considerably better squads, not least an outstanding away win in the Super Cup against Greenholm Rangers. Cup runs weren't particularly deep due to some quite ridiculously tough other draws on top of that one, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

The financial side of things continues to improve as we opened our new 2,300 seater stand with money generated from youth player sales and still made a seasonal profit with less than 50k tax. Perfect.

The squad continues to improve and the midfield (which has been our weak point ever since the retirement of our former club captain) is nearly on a par with the rest of the team. We're going to need a replacement centreback in the long term but for now my youth fullback will have to be drafted in there for the second part of this season.

Targets for this season: finish top 9, get to round 5 of at least one cup, promote a pair of hopefully all-90s FA youths at the end of their current contracts, finish training up the midfield to be able to field a midfield preview of at least 75, build the last corner of Tier 2 and still make a seasonal profit. Might as well aim high, right?
1st Apr 24 9:54 AM
Posts 24
An interesting season, as already reviewed we secured the divisional title on the final day to much enjoyment but the season was one of learning.

The club is in a solid position but 1 significant error in my understanding of the game had undermined that position, wages spiralled on failing to agree terms with a high level target who was brought in with loftier ambitions, after failing to agree a contract the player got exactly what he wanted ( didn't know that before), increased wages bill overnight by almost 50%, and then 10 days later decided to announce he was hanging up his boots. Cumulative loss on that specific player, just under 18m credits to date.

Then a player retirement due to injury yesterday, unexpected but nothing to be done about that.

Tried to force a promotion and lost the most promising academy product, but did get 1 through with solid FA, that appears to be the model the game rests on now. Very similar to PSR rules, value of sales from academy will go along to improve the club rating and securing that all important staff.

I think I have learned some important lessons this season and a bit, but equally I feel that I want to apply that learning to a different club/league. So I will be on the move again soon, leaving some very solid assets, good money in the bank and a mid 60 preview even without the retiring enigma.
1st Apr 24 8:06 PM
Posts 317
That time again huh? In the league I reverted to type, back to fifth. The Division is definitely getting a bit more competitive and I drew some games I had hoped to win. This season there are only three caretaker teams so I think it will be even more so.

Had a couple of decent cup runs, quarters in the league cup and sixth round in the super cup. Still not doing very well in the inter cup though.

I'm now hitting an 80 preview consistently and with a few more players still improving I hope that'll come up a point or two.

I had a few disappointing promotions but moved then all on and picked the money to buy a new centre back. My biggest whoops was putting the last one on a day late so his transfer fee game through on day one of this season. That means I made quite a big loss last season and have started 7M up already, which isn't ideal.

Plan for this season is to clear out the last two 60-rated players (one is retiring anyway) and promote a couple of the quality youths that I have. If I can get to 82 match preview that would be a bonus. Maybe make fourth again if I'm lucky?

As for the second team - I got promoted in second which is all that I could have hoped for. Likewise with the cups. I got the youth academy up and running and cleared out some deadwood. This season I'll be likely getting promoted at a canter again albeit once more second is the best I can hope for and if things go my way I might even make 5501.
24th May 24 12:54 AM
Posts 1,036
Season 57

What an outstanding season this has been!

If you had told me before the league season began that we'd begin Matchday 38 two points behind Wearside Athletic having completed the league double over them for the first (and probably only) time ever, I would have laughed at you! I never expected to actually achieve my board objectives for wins and points scored in the Premiership, but both were hit exactly this season I'm just hoping they don't expect the same improvement again next season We will certainly enjoy our sojourn into the Platinum Shield next season no matter how short it will be. It'll be hard to get another shot at 6th with Fluffy Ducks being promoted to Serie A next season but at least I know it's possible now!

The cup draws were extremely unkind to me once again this season but some excellent performances allowed us to reach Round 4 of both. Wearside took their revenge for the League double by knocking us out at their ground in the last 16. I was looking forward to the Super Cup this season but the game decided that we weren't going to have a good run by drawing us against the highest ranked team in the competition- twice! An excellent performance in Round 1 helped us defeat 25th-ranked FC Liverpool at home and it was serene progress after that until we drew rank 1 Mister Sitter away from home in Round 4. At least it was a good pay day!

I'm probably happiest of all with the club building side of things. We sold 3 former youth players for a combined total of 20M and used the proceeds to fund a big stadium expansion. The 3 outgoing players with FAs in the 50s and 60s were replaced with 3 youths from my academy who all have full 90s FAs. Even having promoted those 3 youths and having a 70-rated player retire, the squad average rating has improved by 1 and will only continue to do so next season. We've made a sizable seasonal profit and jumped up more than 200 club rating points. Next stop 6500 (but not for a while yet...)

I've won the Platinum Cup with a previous club and reached the final of the Super Cup in the early days of the game, but this has undoubtedly been my best ever season of IAG when it comes to achievement versus my expectations. Long may it continue!
24th May 24 1:24 AM
Posts 230
Season 57 has mixed emotions for me. It has been largely good, but getting to the good part has been rough, intensely frustrating, annoying and damned hard work.

On the playing side, we spent most of the first half of the season, top of the table, but it has been off the pitch where so much work has been put in and I really thought that the light at the end of this really dark tunnel was an illusion... I refer to the holy grail (as it stands) of 7501.

I spent an age trying to boost my rating in the game and being top helped me to within 30-40 points of it early doors. However as time wore on, I was averaging between 0-4 points per game. I got to within 15 points, then lost top spot which set me back 30 points.

In the end, I reluctantly sold a player to offset the loss of rating points & in the 2nd half of the season briefly flirted with 7501, before falling back a bit again. However, regaining top spot was enough to get the higher level of staff on board.

We won the English Premier League for only the second time. The last was season 12, so a 45 season long drought on that one. However we had mixed results in the cups...

League Cup R4
Platinum Cup R1
IAG Cup R7

The IAG cup demonstrated how competitive we can be against strong opposition. We had 3 home draws against top sides, but in round 7, I was left with a serious dilemma. We drew Weir Lion away, but I had 7 first team players one card away from a suspension & with a tough game at home to Grenadiers which I had to win for the title, I went with my reserves against Weir Lion & I felt I had little choice other than to do that, even though I know my first team would have given them a game and a chance at last 8.

So, I am finally getting the best out of my high end players, but the next hurdle is buying and selling... that's easier said than done too! Season 58 will bring different challenges & maybe I will be able to focus a bit more on my second team which only managed 10th this season.
24th May 24 3:04 AM
Posts 1,000
Originally posted by BlueBoar

... in round 7, I was left with a serious dilemma. We drew Weir Lion away, but I had 7 first team players one card away from a suspension & with a tough game at home to Grenadiers which I had to win for the title, I went with my reserves against Weir Lion & I felt I had little choice other than to do that, even though I know my first team would have given them a game and a chance at last 8.

I've been left with a serious dilemma now.

Turtleism FC are becoming a seriously good team, so I'm a bit concerned about helping them out, it may backfire on us if we draw them in the cup in future.

So, should I tell BlueBoar about the silly mistake he made?
24th May 24 7:03 AM
Posts 40
Runnymede Rangers had a good season overall

Bundesliga Pos 4th
League Cup Round 3
IAG Cup Round 5
Platinum Shield QF

Got to be happy with those with the squad we've got. Great performance in the Inter Cup and we finished above Surfers Locker in the league!
We didn't get anywhere near 6,500 so we are trying to build up our cash reserves and refresh our squad in the next coming seasons to put that right.

New stadium expansion was finished and we are stronger financially so onwards and upwards for S58!
24th May 24 7:16 AM
Posts 317
Originally posted by roland68
I've been left with a serious dilemma now.

Turtleism FC are becoming a seriously good team, so I'm a bit concerned about helping them out, it may backfire on us if we draw them in the cup in future.

So, should I tell BlueBoar about the silly mistake he made?

That jumped out at me also
24th May 24 7:53 AM
Posts 317
Made it to fourth again after dropping back to fifth last season. It's a real competition between me and Beijing Nuibi for that spot which is something I could have only dreamed of a few seasons ago. I even managed to take two points off third and one off second, although I also drew a couple of games that I thought I should have won...swings and roundabouts.

As for the cups, well what can you do when you have to play two of the top teams in the league and inter cups on the same day? I feel like I say it every season, but the draws really didn't favour me there.

What I could have done something about is not being completely blown away in the fourth round of the super cup by a team I really should have beaten. Still scratching my head about that one.

So... league good, cups unlucky and poor.

Off the pitch, the squad rating continues to improve and I've got a few promising youths to come through if they keep developing. I invested in a major stand development too.

My second team got promotion again and things are generally improving. Next season I should have the youth academy properly firing which is important as I've got quite a few oldies who'll be retiring soon.
24th May 24 12:41 PM
Posts 230
Originally posted by roland68
I've been left with a serious dilemma now.

Turtleism FC are becoming a seriously good team, so I'm a bit concerned about helping them out, it may backfire on us if we draw them in the cup in future.

So, should I tell BlueBoar about the silly mistake he made?

I made lots of mistakes taking on the unknown in season 57. It could have been one of many!
24th May 24 2:47 PM
Posts 14
I really shouldn't have gotten promotion but that's rather difficult when 90% of the teams are controlled by bots. Next season will feel like my team is being managed by ETH, I'll be lucky to stay up, my team is really poor in comparison to Premiership levels.
24th May 24 5:24 PM
Posts 581
Decent season for my lot, albeit not spectacular. Terrible start to the league season, mostly due to difficult fixture schedule, but gradually clawed our way back up to finish a respectable 5th, only a couple of points off 4th. 1 point less than last season but 2 places higher.

Cups were a high point, 6 rounds further than last season in the 2 cups combined, including reaching the final of the US League cup for the first time in a very long time, having beaten some really tough opponents along the way. Only knocked out of both cups by top 10 teams.

Off the pitch we crept ever closer to next staff level, made a neat little profit before player trading, and promoted a bunch of youths, including an all 90s Hole Player [feel free to make an offer!] and got good improvements on the remaining academy starlets.

Onwards and upwards on the grind to level up!
24th May 24 9:22 PM
Posts 37
Won all division games. Filled my stadium capacity at the 42600 max for the first time.
Won the division cup.

Current rating 6266 from the previous 5686, so Serie C is the aim to get 6500 and better staff.

Have too many players and would like to sell but I'd also like to buy too.
24th May 24 10:32 PM
Posts 304
Promoted a couple of yoofs and came 7th in Brazil, so that was good.
25th May 24 6:49 PM
Posts 42
After three seasons working towards and reaching 6501 in Serie B, we finally have won the league and achieved promotion into the game's strongest divison. In the same season, we set new all time records with a semi final League Cup appearance and reaching Round 7 of the Super Cup.

Financially, this ends an unbelievable three seasons where we both generated and spent 350m. Still not sure how I managed that and I don't think our little club will ever manage it again but it's created a fantastic foundation for us to build upon with only three players above the age of 26.
Unfortunately, the board still refused my request to increase my salary to 1.5K.

Originally posted by Firesilver
It'll be hard to get another shot at 6th with Fluffy Ducks being promoted to Serie A next season but at least I know it's possible now!

6th in our maiden Serie A season would be amazing but my priority will be to win the Golden Platter. Anything less will be a dissapointment.
25th May 24 10:44 PM
Posts 6,364
Originally posted by ramster59
After three seasons working towards and reaching 6501 in Serie B, we finally have won the league and achieved promotion into the game's strongest divison. In the same season, we set new all time records with a semi final League Cup appearance and reaching Round 7 of the Super Cup.

Financially, this ends an unbelievable three seasons where we both generated and spent 350m. Still not sure how I managed that and I don't think our little club will ever manage it again but it's created a fantastic foundation for us to build upon with only three players above the age of 26.
Unfortunately, the board still refused my request to increase my salary to 1.5K.

6th in our maiden Serie A season would be amazing but my priority will be to win the Golden Platter. Anything less will be a dissapointment.

Is this right ramster?
26th May 24 5:31 AM
Posts 429
i had some decent results against sides that finished ahead of me in standings: a win against yangchester, two wins against tifon, a win and draw v guinea pig, a draw against manchester devils and a draw v quingianlu city and another draw v legia.. but ultimately closed the season poorly.
i had a couple decent super cup results, knocking out the rockets and dangerous dazzlers but went out in round 4 to celtic fc on penalties after going 3-3.
i also had a few decent youths come up from the academy.

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