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14th Jun 19 2:36 AM
Posts 1,358
6501 Club Rating Points: A tale of progress and failure
As most are aware, the staff who respond to advertisements improve when your club rating points pass 3501, 4501, 5501, 6501, etc. Therefore, I made it a goal to get to 6501 rating points in the last season and attempted to pull out all of the stops to do so. Here's the story, may it help in your own quest to get to your club's next level.

In season 21, my highest club rating had been 5553 and I had gotten the associated staff to get me up to the 5501 level of staff across the board. It was a great achievement and occurred largely due to a major sale of Ramondelli who was a strong STK in his late 20s. His sale netted somewhere around 10-15m and helped me cross the threshold.

In season 22, my highest club rating had been 6012 and I never really pushed higher than that, doing my best to reconsolidate after making moves to get me to the 5501 level.

In season 23, my highest club rating was 5881 with lots of re-investment in the squad meaning the bank balance and average player rating were quite low.

Season 24 was when I decided to make the push and I reached the lofty heights of 6358 near the end of the season. Still, that wasn't enough so I needed to make a few more alterations this season to get me there.

Major levers for club rating are: average player rating, league performance (points/points per game)/league position, club value. Knowing those are much of what matters helps A TON in adjusting your squad to get over each threshold. So, what did I need to do to get to 6501? Well, my plan was an average player rating of 70 and a club value of 70M thinking that should get me there as long as I was top/near top of the league in Season 25.

The risky part was that the fixtures early in the season would have a big impact on how this worked and you don't know those until the day the season starts so I couldn't plan very well for this ? and it turned out the fixtures did matter as I had a more difficult beginning than the other strong teams in my league. I also foolishly promoted a youth in the middle which hurt my APR and had really unfortunate luck on being 3 club rating points shy of 6501 on the day my 7-day listings came back. After that miss, I sent out a series of 1-, 3- and 5- day listings and cobbled together some new staff, but not a complete set. I don?t know when I?ll be back above 6501 either, so will have to make do with what I have for at least a little while.

Daily details

Preparatory Notes: Color indicates above/below 6501. PPG = points per game. Martyn was a fully-trained mid-50s both-footed centerback youth promotee that fetched 15.6m.

Season_Day_Club rating_Club_Average player_Average staff_League position_PPG_Notes
24 48 6143 51.8M 68 51 2 2.68
24 49 6155 53.7M 68 51 2 2.68 Unlikely to catch 1st place. Sale of Lay**** for ~8m
24 50 6170 54.5M 68 51 2 2.69
24 51 6324 62.0M 70 51 2 2.64 Will finish 2nd
24 52 6358 64.4M 70 51 2 2.65 Listed Latchford (4.3m) and Martyn (12m). 7-day adverts out today!
24 53 6295 59.8M 70 51 2 2.65 Miss 1st place by 1 point.
24 54 6296 59.6M 70 51 2 2.66
24 56 6276 59.3M 70 51 2 2.66 No match, season ends, still no bids on L&M.
25 _1 5936 60.7M 71 51 0 NA Low-scoring win to start season.
25 _2 6268 60.1M 71 51 4 3.00 Low-scoring win and Martyn should sell tonight.
25 _3 6218 58.9M 71 51 6 3.00 Martyn sold for 15.6m, although I don't think we'll make it to 6501.
25 _4 6390 74.2M 71 51 6 3.00
25 _5 6433 74.7M 71 51 4 3.00 Drew with Manama AFC. Probably won't make 6501...
25 _6 6432 74.5M 71 51 4 2.50 Staff adverts closed (today or yesterday) returned 5501 level. Re-advertised for 7 days.
25 _7 6429 74.3M 71 51 4 2.50 Nice big win at home. Losing Latchford for 2.5m will hurt a bit.
25 _8 6426 73.7M 71 51 4 2.60 Solid win today, sold Latchford. Promoted Parise who is now up for sale. BAD MOVE!
25 _9 6421 75.8M 69 51 2 2.67 Nice win over Crowe Asia. Rowett may sell tonight.
25 10 6430 76.1M 69 51 2 2.71 3 players in their 80s close today. Rowett should move tonight for 4-4.5m.
25 11 6414 74.8M 69 51 2 2.71 Nice win and should see Rowett's financial 4.5m and APR transition tonight.
25 12 6490 79.0M 69 51 1 2.75 Close to 6501 but still have days for adverts to return. Expect to make it soon.
25 13 6497 79.6M 69 51 1 2.78
25 14 6504 79.8M 69 51 1 2.78 Above 6500 but not sure what to do! Still two days on adverts.
25 15 6498 79.3M 69 51 1 2.80 This update determined success of 7-day listings
25 17 6623 83.5M 71 51 1 2.83 League and Inter Cup losses (good payouts).
25 18 6625 85.2M 71 51 1 2.83 Close draw with Manama. Some new staff back on short listings!
25 20 6514 74.8M 71 55 2 2.71 Lots of training increases with new coaches!
25 22 6534 75.0M 71 56 1 2.73 Staying above the CR threshold and should get some short-advert listings back today.
25 24 6553 75.4M 71 57 1 2.76 A few new coaching recruits and a major purchase for a MF youth.
25 25 6320 59.9M 70 57 1 2.76 CR tanked due to big purchase of youngster. Goodbye 6501!

Overall Summary
So why didn't this work smoothly? I promoted Parise in the middle of this and he dropped by average player rating by 2 which happened at a critical time. I also mis-timed my listings so I should have had them come back after my Inter Cup match when I knew I was going to get some cash, but I wasn't sure exactly how close I was going to be. After not making it with my initial 7-day adverts, I needed to not try to make any other moves in the transfer market and allow my CR to stay high for a little while - the major purchase of Ugochukwu essentially ended my ability to stay above 6501 and wait out better responses to my adverts.

Hopefully this helps some others when they think about making the assault on the next CR level.

A good target for 6501 would be ~70 APR, ~73 Club worth, 1st place in your league. Knowing how much each of those is worth relative to each other can get you there with lower/higher with each of those measures. Don't promote youth or make big purchases when you are focused on staff!
14th Jun 19 9:31 AM
Posts 473
Originally posted by Piper_FC
As most are aware, the staff who respond to advertisements improve when your club rating points pass 3501, 4501, 5501, 6501, etc. Therefore, I made it a goal to get to 6501 rating points in the last season and attempted to pull out all of the stops to do so. Here's the story, may it help in your own quest to get to your club's next level.

In season 21, my highest club rating had been 5553 and I had gotten the associated staff to get me up to the 5501 level of staff across the board. It was a great achievement and occurred largely due to a major sale of Ramondelli who was a strong STK in his late 20s. His sale netted somewhere around 10-15m and helped me cross the threshold.

In season 22, my highest club rating had been 6012 and I never really pushed higher than that, doing my best to reconsolidate after making moves to get me to the 5501 level.

In season 23, my highest club rating was 5881 with lots of re-investment in the squad meaning the bank balance and average player rating were quite low.

Season 24 was when I decided to make the push and I reached the lofty heights of 6358 near the end of the season. Still, that wasn't enough so I needed to make a few more alterations this season to get me there.

average player rating, league performance (points/points per game)/league position, club value. Knowing those are much of what matters helps A TON in adjusting your squad to get over each threshold. So, what did I need to do to get to 6501? Well, my plan was an average player rating of 70 and a club value of 70M thinking that should get me there as long as I was top/near top of the league in Season 25.

The risky part was that the fixtures early in the season would have a big impact on how this worked and you don't know those until the day the season starts so I couldn't plan very well for this ? and it turned out the fixtures did matter as I had a more difficult beginning than the other strong teams in my league. I also foolishly promoted a youth in the middle which hurt my APR and had really unfortunate luck on being 3 club rating points shy of 6501 on the day my 7-day listings came back. After that miss, I sent out a series of 1-, 3- and 5- day listings and cobbled together some new staff, but not a complete set. I don?t know when I?ll be back above 6501 either, so will have to make do with what I have for at least a little while.

Preparatory Notes: Color indicates above/below 6501. PPG = points per game. Martyn was a fully-trained mid-50s both-footed centerback youth promotee that fetched 15.6m.

24 48 6143 51.8M 68 51 2 2.68
24 49 6155 53.7M 68 51 2 2.68 Unlikely to catch 1st place. Sale of Lay**** for ~8m
24 50 6170 54.5M 68 51 2 2.69
24 51 6324 62.0M 70 51 2 2.64 Will finish 2nd
24 52 6358 64.4M 70 51 2 2.65 Listed Latchford (4.3m) and Martyn (12m). 7-day adverts out today!
24 53 6295 59.8M 70 51 2 2.65 Miss 1st place by 1 point.
24 54 6296 59.6M 70 51 2 2.66
24 56 6276 59.3M 70 51 2 2.66 No match, season ends, still no bids on L&M.
25 1 5936 60.7M 71 51 0 NA Low-scoring win to start season.
25 2 6268 60.1M 71 51 4 3.00 Low-scoring win and Martyn should sell tonight.
25 3 6218 58.9M 71 51 6 3.00 Martyn sold for 15.6m, although I don't think we'll make it to 6501.
25 4 6390 74.2M 71 51 6 3.00
25 5 6433 74.7M 71 51 4 3.00 Drew with Manama AFC. Probably won't make 6501...
25 6 6432 74.5M 71 51 4 2.50 Staff adverts closed (today or yesterday) returned 5501 level. Re-advertised for 7 days.
25 7 6429 74.3M 71 51 4 2.50 Nice big win at home. Losing Latchford for 2.5m will hurt a bit.
25 8 6426 73.7M 71 51 4 2.60 Solid win today, sold Latchford.
25 9 6421 75.8M 69 51 2 2.67 Nice win over Crowe Asia. Rowett may sell tonight.
25 10 6430 76.1M 69 51 2 2.71 3 players in their 80s close today. Rowett should move tonight for 4-4.5m.
25 11 6414 74.8M 69 51 2 2.71 Nice win and should see Rowett's financial 4.5m and APR transition tonight.
25 12 6490 79.0M 69 51 1 2.75 Close to 6501 but still have days for adverts to return. Expect to make it soon.
25 13 6497 79.6M 69 51 1 2.78

25 25 6320 59.9M 70 57 1 2.76 CR tanked due to big purchase of youngster. Goodbye 6501!

So why didn't this work smoothly? I promoted Parise in the middle of this and he dropped by average player rating by 2 which happened at a critical time. I also mis-timed my listings so I should have had them come back after my Inter Cup match when I knew I was going to get some cash, but I wasn't sure exactly how close I was going to be. After not making it with my initial 7-day adverts, I needed to not try to make any other moves in the transfer market and allow my CR to stay high for a little while - the major purchase of Ugochukwu essentially ended my ability to stay above 6501 and wait out better responses to my adverts.

Hopefully this helps some others when they think about making the assault on the next CR level.


Hi mate. First of all huge congrats on your achievement and welcome to to the few who have made it to the 6500 club for better staff!

Second of all, a fantastic post which will surely help many managers understand where they are going wrong. Literally as I read your post flashbacks came back to me when I was in the same situation going through the same troubles!
14th Jun 19 9:35 AM
Posts 473
Also something to add (one of the experienced pro's can help answer this) is that the average squad rating is based on your best 'X' many players.

For example, if you have a squad of 28 players I am led to believe that the calculation for average squad rating would be done for your best so many players. Can someone shed light on how many this is? I cant remember.
14th Jun 19 12:27 PM
Posts 1,358
Originally posted by BubbaGump
Hi mate. First of all huge congrats on your achievement and welcome to to the few who have made it to the 6500 club for better staff!

Second of all, a fantastic post which will surely help many managers understand where they are going wrong. Literally as I read your post flashbacks came back to me when I was in the same situation going through the same troubles!

Cheers, Bubba. I made some mistakes along the way which cost me as my staff isn't completely above the line. Hopefully I can get back there soon to fix that.

Something I did not mention in the initial post but that I think is very important:

I signed 3 players on 1-year contracts at the end of season 24 even though they were going to retire before I could sell them. This was done with the express purpose of getting above 6501 and the full knowledge that those 3 players would retire at my club.

I purchased Healy (70) for 3.75M, Raspopov ( 78 ) for 4m, and Gil (75) for 2.8M. While I will take serious hits when each of them retire, I knew that those prices would be worth it for what they did to my average player rating and club value (a player's estimated value is part of the club value calculation so that can help offset the rating hit when you spend money to buy someone). Yet, the 3-4 average player rating that those players got me in the meantime meant I had a better cushion to work with for 6501. It also meant the clock was ticking as when the third of them retires in the next 12 days, I'll be far from 6501 (and my on-the-field strength will have taken a big hit).

I thought the gamble and ~11M in expenditure was worth it to get the next batch of coaches. In hindsight, that's a lot of cash that I wish I had in my hand right now, but that's how it goes. [There would have been high taxes on it last season so I wouldn't have had that much of it, but still...]
14th Jun 19 6:25 PM
Posts 473
Originally posted by Piper_FC
Cheers, Bubba. I made some mistakes along the way which cost me as my staff isn't completely above the line. Hopefully I can get back there soon to fix that.

Something I did not mention in the initial post but that I think is very important:

I signed 3 players on 1-year contracts at the end of season 24 even though they were going to retire before I could sell them. This was done with the express purpose of getting above 6501 and the full knowledge that those 3 players would retire at my club.

I purchased Healy (70) for 3.75M, Raspopov ( 78 ) for 4m, and Gil (75) for 2.8M. While I will take serious hits when each of them retire, I knew that those prices would be worth it for what they did to my average player rating and club value (a player's estimated value is part of the club value calculation so that can help offset the rating hit when you spend money to buy someone). Yet, the 3-4 average player rating that those players got me in the meantime meant I had a better cushion to work with for 6501. It also meant the clock was ticking as when the third of them retires in the next 12 days, I'll be far from 6501 (and my on-the-field strength will have taken a big hit).

I thought the gamble and ~11M in expenditure was worth it to get the next batch of coaches. In hindsight, that's a lot of cash that I wish I had in my hand right now, but that's how it goes. [There would have been high taxes on it last season so I wouldn't have had that much of it, but still...]

Everyone makes mistakes, but its easy in this game to not realise these such mistakes. So it's great that you recognised them and have learnt from them.

I had to do something very similar myself by purchasing a 91 rated 32 y/o from a top club for 9m. I knew he was soon to retire as he only took a 1year contract but I needed the average squad ratings from the player in order to squeeze past the 6,500 and stay there for at least a week I soon passed it and the player retired a year later or I sold him for a very small fee (can't remember now).

It seems crazy but I am seeing lots of top managers sell very highly rated 32-34 y/o players for relatively low amounts. So any clubs whom are close to their thresholds would help themselves with these quick fixes. You can then recoup a small amount of the outlay straight away after you have got your better staff sometimes. Short term loss for long term gain as it were.
3rd Jul 19 10:20 PM
Posts 6,330
I've stickied this for future reference.

(Meant to do it ages ago... )
4th Jul 19 2:13 AM
Posts 1,358
I did something similar for the 5501 threshold but I think it was only in the local forums and may not have been as detailed.

I hope one day to get back above 6501 and who knows, maybe in 2025 I'll be able to post about 7501, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
4th Jul 19 7:24 AM
Posts 2,877
Originally posted by Piper_FC
I did something similar for the 5501 threshold but I think it was only in the local forums and may not have been as detailed.

I hope one day to get back above 6501 and who knows, maybe in 2025 I'll be able to post about 7501, but let's not get ahead of ourselves

I'm hoping that this season after god only knows how many years i maet finally get a club over the 5501 threshold.

I'm at 5451 and sitting in 3rd so i may just actually make it before hitting the Prem.
4th Sep 19 3:45 PM
Posts 1,358
I didn't get all of the staff upgraded as I didn't hit 6501 and stay for long enough, so I was hoping to get there this season. I thought I would with a recent sale of Gowon for 16m and I almost did. 6450 as of today.

Really makes me wish I didn't have a twitchy trigger finger that kicked off the last two small stadium expansions a few days ago as that 5m would have put us over the 6501 threshold.

Just a reminder to myself that timing is absolutely key for hitting those club rating point thresholds and you've gotta think about everything altogether.

Now, if I can figure out how to stop drawing in the league and climb up to 2nd or 1st, I'd be able to get to 6501 that way as well. Time to re-double the efforts on the pitch and try not to make any major transfer moves
10th Oct 19 1:58 PM
Posts 185
Originally posted by BubbaGump
Also something to add (one of the experienced pro's can help answer this) is that the average squad rating is based on your best 'X' many players.

For example, if you have a squad of 28 players I am led to believe that the calculation for average squad rating would be done for your best so many players. Can someone shed light on how many this is? I cant remember.

I would be amazed if anyone has actually work out how average squad rating is calculated.

I know it has taken me a while to reply lol
10th Oct 19 8:47 PM
Posts 2,877
Originally posted by RocketmanGav
I would be amazed if anyone has actually work out how average squad rating is calculated.

I know it has taken me a while to reply lol

PS has it pretty close but the bugger won't share
10th Oct 19 9:48 PM
Posts 6,330
Originally posted by ozzymac
PS has it pretty close but the bugger won't share

I don't want to embarrass myself for getting it 'nearly right' but for all the wrong reasons!
3rd May 20 1:14 PM
Posts 50
Originally posted by Piper_FC
I also foolishly promoted a youth in the middle which hurt my APR and had really unfortunate luck on being 3 club rating points shy of 6501 on the day my 7-day listings came back.


I was told by a high ranking manager that staff ads need to be above the threshold for the full duration of the ad or you'll get the lower tier, but this suggests otherwise...

Can someone clear this up for me please?
3rd May 20 1:46 PM
Posts 296
Originally posted by Graz_Doz_Trez
I was told by a high ranking manager that staff ads need to be above the threshold for the full duration of the ad or you'll get the lower tier, but this suggests otherwise...

Can someone clear this up for me please?

From recent experience, as long as my club was above that specific rating when I put the advert out, I?ve got the staff above the rating...even if my club fell below that staff bracket when the advert closed.
3rd May 20 2:05 PM
Posts 1,358
From my experience, the only day that matters is the day before the staff adverts come back.

I could be wrong, but that's what I've gathered over time.
3rd May 20 5:14 PM
Posts 980
I don't think that it matters what your CR is when you apply, nor does it matter what your CR is in the days leading up to it. As Piper said, it matters at the time your results come back. Whether it's your rating immediately before the update or after the update I'm not sure, it would depend on which is processed first in the daily update but I'd go along with what Piper said.
3rd May 20 5:36 PM
Posts 6,330
I'm pretty certain that club rating is calculated after staff search results are processed so it will be the previous day's club rating that counts.
3rd May 20 5:37 PM
Posts 102
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise
I'm pretty certain that club rating is calculated after staff search results are processed so it will be the previous day's club rating that counts.

Yep this is it 100%
4th May 20 10:30 AM
Posts 129
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise
I'm pretty certain that club rating is calculated after staff search results are processed so it will be the previous day's club rating that counts.

Thanks for clarifying PS, in that case I apologise for my incorrect answer
4th May 20 11:36 AM
Posts 50
Thanks for the replies, everyone.

This game is all about the finer details and something like this that may appear to be insignificant can make a huge difference to a team like mine trying to plan wisely for the future.

I am currently tanking, but with a huge influx of money from player sales, I might be able to get to the next staffing threshold briefly, so being able to make an educated guess on how long I can run ads for might mean a large difference in average staff rating moving forward.

Thanks again.

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